21 June 2006

How Not To Steal A Sidekick: The Denouement

After two weeks of enduring endless calls, emails, radio interviews, denials from the thieves, runaround from the police, and numerous late nights, the Sidekick guy finally got a resolution. Tonight, the NYPD picked up Sasha, the girl that either paid for the Sidekick from a cabbie, on the subway, or got it from her mother—their story isn't quite straight yet.
In any case, it's great to see a guy who did the right thing for a friend get the nice conclusion that he deserves, especially since he gave up a week's pay to take care of all this stuff. It wasn't about the money, it was about taking responsibility for what you do. Let's hope this encourages more people to do the right thing in the future.
It's also a coincidence that the end comes on the day the Sidekick 3 is released. Maybe T-Mobile will give him and his friend two free ones?
NY Times Article
How NOT to steal a Sidekick [Evanwashere]

Samsung’s Combo HD DVD/Blu-ray Player?

LG was the first to publicly announce it would manufacture a universal player capable of displaying both HD DVD and Blu-ray content, and now on the eve of launching the BD-P1000, the first Blu-ray player to go on sale in the United States, Samsung said yesterday that it's also working on a combination Blu-ray and HD DVD drive. Kim Du-Hyon, an assistant manager at Samsung's product planning division told reporters that the company is confident the Blu-ray format will prevail over HD DVD, but indicated the company would be willing to hedge its bets if HD DVD proves to be more popular than anticipated:
"We don't have a plan to make an HD DVD-only player but are considering a universal player. We are preparing HD DVD [support] now and if we launch a universal player it will be the end of this year or early next year."According to insiders, LG and Samsung are not the only companies thinking about manufacturing a combination player. Looks like this is going to be similar to the DVD+R/DVD-R conundrum, where both ended up occupying space in most DVD burners. That's the best reason yet to wait before buying into any of these two overpriced and underperforming HD disc formats. – Charlie White
Samsung mulling dual Blu-ray/HD DVD player [Digital World]

Blogs 101

To get the feel of Web logs and blogging, visit some of these sites. Most blogs carry links to other blogs on related topics or that the author likes (known as a blogroll). This page is under development; feel free to suggest your own finds. Business and sports are being built, and suggestions are particularly welcome.
Recent additions: Footnoted.org reads corporate filings and news releases more closely than most people. . . . Terry Teachout's About Last Night covers culture in New York and elsewhere. Interesting blogroll of culture sites, too. . . . Cyberjournalist.net looks at the effects of the Internet and new technology on the media. . . . Paidcontent.org looks at the economics of the Web. . . . ScotusBlog and the related Supreme Court Nomination Blog are keeping a close watch on the proceedings in the court. . . . Crooks and Liars and politics, with a liberal slant. With a great collection of video clips. . . .
Collections & Rankings
Technorati blog search and the Technorati Top 100 list of most linked-to blogs
Feedster Search for news feeds and blogs by topic
Bloglines (Registration required.) Find blogs by topic (or name) and read them here
Blogpulse, from Intelliseek, lets you search blogs and automatically finds trends
Truth Laid Bear Traffic Rankings Most-visited blogs
Flickr Not quite blogging, but fascinating. Storytelling through photo sharing.
BoingBoing "A directory of wonderful things" from around the Internet
Gawker Gossip and snarkiness about media, showbiz, New York City, etc.
Defamer Similar in tone to Gawker, but with a West Coast slant
Technology & Media
Romenesko The blog all journalists know
Media Bistro Sort of a blog. Its Fishbowl is more of a blog.
John Battelle's Searchblog Media, technology, Internet search, etc.
Dan Gillmor's blog Well-regarded former columnist for San Jose Mercury, now on Bayosphere
Cyberjournalist.net Jonathan Dube for the Online News Assocation
BuzzMachine Jeff Jarvis talks a lot about new media (and himself).
PressThink Jay Rosen of N.Y.U. on The Media vs. the press
SimonWaldman.net Newspapers and new media from a British perspective
Scripting News Dave Winer tracks the world of blogging and technology and has some interesting (and some cranky) thoughts.
TheJasonCalacanisWeblog Blog about blogs from the chairman of Weblogs Inc.
Paidcontent.org Looks at the economics of the Web
Journal-isms Richard Prince, of the Maynard Institute, pays attention to diversity issues in journalism.
Media Law Robert J. Ambrogi
Technology Toys & Cool Things
Gizmodo From the Gawker empire
Engadget Gadgets of all sorts
Josh Rubin: Cool Hunting "Stuff from the intersection of design, culture and technology"
Cool Tools Kevin Kelly finds all manner of intriguing things.
Josh Spear "The pulse of cool."
Treehugger Environmental design and consciousness
Politics & Government
Daily Kos Markos Moulitsas Zuniga. One of the best-known liberal blogs.
Talking Points Memo Joshua Micah Marshall. Widely read liberal blog from a contributor to Washington Monthly and The Hill.
MyDD Jerome Armstrong and Chris Bowers.
Eschaton Atrios, aka Duncan Black. "Proud member of the reality-based community."
AmericaBlog John Aravosis. Politics from the left; one of the key sources of info in the Gannon/Guckert affair.
Crooks and Liars and politics, with a liberal slant. And a great collection of video clips.
Daily Dish Andrew Sullivan on conservative, religious and gay issues. (He tried to stop but couldn't.)
InstaPundit Glenn Reynolds. One of the best-known conservative blogs.
Kausfiles Mickey Kaus's mostly political blog on Slate
Little Green Footballs
Power Line One of the more widely read blogs from the right.
Iraqi Bloggers Central Good collection of links to Iraqi bloggers.
Mystery Pollster Mark Blumenthal's intelligent analysis of polls and polling.
Wonkette Washington gossip (also from the Gawker empire).
Global Voices gathers some interesting views from blogs around the world.
%20and%20the%20related%20The Politicker Ben Smith, New York Observer
Tapped from the American Prospect
CJRDaily Updates from the Columbia Journalism Review (successor to its Campaign Desk)
The Huffington Post Arianna Huffington's celebrity blogfest
Blinq Daniel Rubin, a Philadelphia Inquirer reporter, blogs for its Web site
Blogspotting from Stephen Baker and Heather Green of Business Week. (You can find other Business Week blogs from there.)
Seeking Alpha and The Internet Stock Blog News and analysis by David Jackson, a money manager and former tech stock analyst
Footnoted.org reads corporate filings and news releases more carefully than most people
New York
Curbed Everyone's favorite New York City topic: real estate
About Last Night Terry Teachout writes about culture in New York and elsewhere. Interesting blogroll of culture sites, too.
NYC Bloggers Thousands of other New York City bloggers, organized by subway line
The Food Section Josh Friedland. With a New York slant.
Gothamist Food From the Gothamist folks
Saute Wednesday Bruce Cole.
Chocolate and Zucchini Clotilde writes about food from Paris.
A Full Belly Alaina Browne.
Apartment Therapy Maxwell and Oliver Ryan. Tips and things for living better in small spaces
Core77 Industrial design
Design*Sponge A little breathless, but some interesting finds.
Land and Living
MocoLoco Modern design from all over
Reluct.com Design and architecture from a team in the Netherlands.
Treehugger Design with an environmental slant
PostSecret People mail their secrets -- touching, funny, scary -- on homemade postcards.